Sunday, July 31, 2011

Wow....our vocabulary is growing every day!!!

"Don't care(scare)me Didu, I'm a little baaby", says the lil strawberry." Roooooaaar", says Didu, even louder, trying to act like the one in control. "Mummy, Didu caring(scaring)me", says the strawberry, pretending very scared.This is a very regular role play at home. "Mama, the rhino is hungry. I'm feeding it some food."Rhino,want chum(some)more food?"she asks lovingly.
"Aaaaaaaaa.....sing, sing", she says and when I start singing,"No, Mama,No", she pleads."Play videoch(videos), Mama"."Sh......teddy sleeping", she reminds, the next moment. Advaya's requests, commands and interests change every second.
"Important?", she asks, before shredding a paper to bits."Give me cay(clay). I want to pay(play)", she requests, running to me with hands stretched out."I daw(draw)tiger? I daw capchicum(capsicum)? I daw tobytob(strawberry)? You daw mama......" goes our art session.
With Ananya at home to give her company, they both are enjoying greater bonding and togetherness.

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