Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Of Car trips and Happy Birthdays..

Been a long time since i wrote a post. you bet the world to end up getting more
confusing..First there was the blog and then facebook and now twitter.
Where do you write what?

It sometimes does help when you dont like to experiment.. and so i stay on with what is more familiar to us- The blog.

It is now in its sixth year since our first post- written days before Ananya was born.

All the efforts have been Lalitha's. My work keeping me away for a long time - from family and friends.
These blog pages do no good either. They keep reminding me how much of the kids have i missed :-(
But since we are into a lifetime of fun, i am positively looking in the future- which has so much more in store for us.
Days keep churning like wildfire. And never a dull moment.
Ananya now is my conscience keeper. A job which she loves to do so much. "Dadda, You must not keep the tap on for so long- you are wasting water" "Dadda, why do you carry your newspapers to the bathroom" "Dadda, i will wait for to come home from work by the evening" "Dadda, Can we do something better than watching TV?"

And the little one, Advaya, is no less:. Together with her elder sibling she can ensure a laugh riot at home. Still some months away from turning two, She comes to me with a"what-a-doin" masking her real intention to make me read her "torybooook" while she eats "tobytob" (strawberries for the uninitiated). During the course of her play she sometimes gets "finga hurt" (finger) and she knows whom to blame "Didu, hurt" (it's all ananya's fault hehe). Knowing how much her elder sis loves her, it is but natural for her to give a nice "hug-i-hug" for her didu and to her dadda.
Her favorite three line greeting in verse is
"Happy birday to you.. I hear thunder.. oh dont you" (Go interpret it your way hehe)
Lalitha and I love to travel.. Never a day when we dont talk travel and we dont make plans.
Ananya loves it to some extent but she gets bored in the car. Advaya however is a very strong opponent of anything to do with sitting in the car, even if it means a visit to the supermarket.
So therein lies our challenge. I so much looked for our April trip to Goa on car, But Advaya didnt approve of this..I am hoping that the new portable sony DVD viewer with a real long battery life will help her reconsider for our next big trip.Vizag calling? :-)
A few pictures..

1 comment:

Mukeshh Agarwal said...

Super Like.. [Blog does not have a LIKE button ;) ]